Jan. 9, 2025

Design Assistant & Project Manager

Alex Yeske Interiors Los Angeles, California

Alex Yeske Interiors is seeking a highly motivated Design Assistant/Project Manager to join our small and growing design firm. This role is a part-time position and reports directly to the Principal. The ideal candidate is an organized, creative and self-motivated individual who is able to assist the Principal with administrative and design focused tasks from initial planning through to final installation. Responsibilities: - Provide support on projects from concept through installation - Contribute to a weekly status meeting to set priorities and goals each week - Assist with client onboarding and client relationship management - Create project schedules: paint, plumbing, hardware, etc. - Support Principal in preparation for installation and photoshoots - Help Principal prepare for meetings by gathering samples, tear sheets or any other materials that may be needed for site and client meetings - Assist with sourcing items for projects - Maintain relationships with existing vendors and always be on the lookout for potential vendors / sources - Ensure design library is organized and return unwanted samples - Administrative and project-related errands - Partner with procurement manager to keep Studio Designer up to date - Take photos of and maintain inventory in Studio Designer - Maintain AirTable document of preferred vendors and resources - Assist with floorplans, drafting and space-planning

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